How to Use UFO Drip Coffee Bag

  UFO Drip coffee bags have emerged as a convenient and hassle-free method for coffee lovers to indulge in their favorite brew. These innovative bags simplify the coffee-making process without compromising on taste or quality.





STEP 1. Preparing
Tear open the outer packaging and take out our UFO drip coffee bag





STEP 2. Set up
There is a PET lid on the UFO drip coffee bag to prevent coffee powder from leaking out. Remove the PET cover





STEP 3. Placing UFO drip bag
Place the UFO drip coffee bag on any cup and pour 10-18g coffee powder into the filter bag



STEP 4. Brewing
Pour some hot water in (approximately 20 – 24ml) and let it sit for about 30 seconds. You will see the coffee grounds slowly expanding and rising (this is the coffee “blooming”). Again, this would allow for a more even extraction as most of the gas would have now left the grounds, allowing the water to properly extract the flavors that we all love! After 30 seconds, carefully & slowly pour the rest of water (about an additional 130ml – 150ml)




STEP 5. Brewing
Once all the water has drained from the bag, you can remove the UFO drip coffee bag from the cup




STEP 6. Enjoy!
You will get a cup of your own hand-brewed coffee, Happy brewing!


Post time: May-13-2024